OBN People and Culture Advisory Group

OBN’s People and Culture Advisory Group is committed to supporting the leaders of innovative life sciences companies to navigate the rapidly changing workplace environment.

We aim to adopt a ‘reciprocal learning’ model, that shares knowledge, best practise, and support on a range of HR, culture, and workplace matters, with OBN’s network of start-up and emerging life sciences R&D companies. We are committed to building an inclusive environment that focuses on equality of opportunity, respect, fairness and inclusion. 

Our key guiding principles are to:

  • Develop a long-term strategy for EDI within OBN with short, mid and long-term priorities
  • Build an inclusive and positive work culture within OBN to enable a thriving and diverse community
  • Support our members to establish authentic, valuable, and measurable EDI strategies
  • Provide resources, data and access to expertise and support for OBN members
  • Establish our own definitions and guidelines and share with member organisations

Current P&CAG Members:

With support from Jane O'Driscoll, Director and Head of Events, OBN

We aim to achieve our mission via regular open discussions where we share resources, data and expertise.  We then activate key learnings through OBN’s existing channels, including newsletters, LinkedIn posts and live events including special edition BioTuesdays and regular C-Suite round table events, where we facilitate collaborative and vibrant discussions.  

Past event topics involving the P&CAG:

  1. What do funders value from a People and Culture perspective, when considering an investment?
  2. OBN C-Suite Breakfast - AI: Friend or Foe? A discussion around the impact of adopting AI functionality within organisations.
  3. How can we foster better collaboration between centres of excellence in the UK to further support life sciences innovation
  4. How can we better support growing R&D Companies in the current environment
  5. The importance of getting your company story right from the start
  6. Building Success for your Organisation from the Inside Out 
  7. Assessing & Measuring the Value of your Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Strategy

Future event topics (dates TBA):

  1. How is cognitive overload impacting our people and businesses
  2. The importance of building (and how to build) the best relationship with your board, for the benefit of your company and investors
  3. What are the next generations’ expectations for leadership (both being a leader and expectations of)
  4. Challenging the notion of a CEO, has the world moved on, and is hierarchy the right structure for today 
  5. The negative perception of  ‘vulnerability’ in leadership and why this must change
  6. Morality and ethics in your company culture – getting results vs establishing a culture
  7. How to ensure that workplace culture suits the needs of multi-generational teams – what needs to be considered and who’s doing it well (BioTuesday topic)
  8. Workforce planning – what are the future skills that your team will need to thrive, and how to get ahead in planning – keynotes and company showcase presentations (potentially a BioTuesday)
  9. Importance of attracting and creating a workplace that supports neurodivergent talent – monitor this and invite further feedback at next meeting

If you have a topic you would like to raise with the OBN P&GAG, or wish to learn more, please contact:

Useful Resources:


Attached Reports 
•    Employee Experience Trends 2024 (attached)
•    WEF Future of Jobs 2023 (attached) 
•    State of Ageing 2023 (attached) 

Research Links 
•    Second Glass Ceiling Report BSI 
•    PWC Hopes & Fears Survey 2023

The P&CAG Team

Managing Director
Group Head of HR
VP Head of Finance & Operations
Director and Head of Events

Claire Casselton

Senior Director Talent Management